La famiglia Ratzinger

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00venerdì 23 gennaio 2009 21:30
Su suggerimento di Mary, la nostra utente inglese, vorrei creare una discussione che raccolga foto e testimonianze sulla famiglia di Ratzinger: i genitori, la sorella Maria, la casa di Marktl, la casa di Pentliga, ma anche i più cari amici di famiglia.
Questa discussione sarà presente anche nella sezione inglese.
Si tratta di un omaggio ai più cari affetti del Santo Padre!
00venerdì 23 gennaio 2009 21:35
La mamma e il papà di Joseph Ratzinger

Joseph Ratzinger

Maria Peintner

00venerdì 23 gennaio 2009 21:36
La famiglia al completo

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 16:28

Cara Sonia,
ritengo che quella proposta da Mary sia un'ottima idea e pertanto l'approvo in pieno: essa aveva sfiorato pure me tempo addietro,
tanto è vero che una discreta quantità di materiale inerente a tale tema l'ho già inserita nel thread dedicato al fratello.
Sappimi dire, perciò, se è il caso che la riposti anche qui.
Grazie di cuore ad entrambe per la collaborazione!!!


Thank a lot, dear Mary: it's really a great good idea!!!
You can find material about this theme in the thread of
Msgr. Ratzinger, where J had yet posted it some
time ago.
00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 16:40
GABRIELLA.JOSEPHINE, 24/01/2009 16.28:

Cara Sonia,
ritengo che quella proposta da Mary sia un'ottima idea e pertanto l'approvo in pieno: essa aveva sfiorato pure me tempo addietro,
tanto è vero che una discreta quantità di materiale inerente a tale tema l'ho già inserita nel thread dedicato al fratello.
Sappimi dire, perciò, se è il caso che la riposti anche qui.
Grazie di cuore ad entrambe per la collaborazione!!!


Thank a lot, dear Mary: it's really a great good idea!!!
You can find material about this theme in the thread of
Msgr. Ratzinger, where J had yet posted it some
time ago.

Secondo me è meglio ripostare qui le notizie riguardanti i genitori e la sorella del Papa! Se hai del materiale posta pure! Penso che ci voglia un omaggio dedicato a Maria, l'amata sorella di Benedetto!

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 16:47

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 16:54
Sihaya.b16247, 24/01/2009 16.40:

Secondo me è meglio ripostare qui le notizie riguardanti i genitori e la sorella del Papa! Se hai del materiale posta pure! Penso che ci voglia un omaggio dedicato a Maria, l'amata sorella di Benedetto!

Lo trovo giustissimo!!!! [SM=x40800]

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 16:58

Mamma, papà e Georg davanti alla casa di Hufschlag.
00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:01
LAPIDE A RIMSTING paese natale della madre di Papa Benedetto XVI, menzionata

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:06
ALTRA ISCRIZIONE COMMEMORATIVA quale ricorda che, nella chiesa parrocchiale di San Nicola a Rimsting, i fratelli Joseph e Georg Ratzinger il 30 giugno del 1951 festeggiarono la loro ordinazione. [/G]
00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:16

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:19
00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:42

I fratelli Ratzinger ritratti assieme al loro cugino Alois Messerer, attualmente parroco di Simbach am Inn (Baviera.
00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 17:57

Pope Benedict XVI - little pictorial documentary of his childhood and teenage years Joseph Alois Ratzinger was born on 16 April, Holy Saturday, 1927 at Schulstraße 11, at 8:30 am in his parents' home in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria, Germany. Joseph was baptised on the same day at the church of St. Oswald. He was the third and youngest child of Joseph and Maria Ratzinger (née Peintner). His mother's family was originally from South Tyrol. On the first pictures we can see family photo of the Peintner-Riegers family and Maria, who would become the future Pope's mother, is the lady seated on the right. This photo is followed by unique pictures of Joseph's papa and mama both in their early twenties. Joseph father was born in Passau in 1877 and apparently joined the local police force in Passau in 1899. Then, at the age of 25 he joined the Royal Bavarian Gendarmerie Corps, which he served for the next 35 years. They were married in Pleiskirchen on November 9, 1920.
The next picture shows Ratzinger's children together, Maria, Georg and little Joseph in the middle. This picture is probably taken in town of Titmoning where the family moved in 1929 and lived until December 1932. The colour picture shows police station of Titmoning and home for Ratzinger family. Although the building looks impressive their flat was less than comfortable. In this town, little Joseph spent his nursery years documented in nursery class photo, followed by two other pictures of Joseph, 3-4 years old enlarged from family photographs.
The next colour picture, show family home, 21 Main Stree in Aschau am Inn where the family moved from Titmingen and lived between 1933 and 193.
In Aschau, little Joseph attended school and received his first Holy Communion in the parish Church of Mary's Assumption on March 15, 1936 (he is in the first row, sixth from the left).
Next picture depicts little Joseph on his way to school along Smith's Way in Aschau. We know from Pope's relatives that his priestly vocation was apparent from boyhood. At the age of five, Ratzinger was in a group of children who welcomed the visiting Cardinal Archbishop of Munich with flowers. Later, the very same day, the little boy announced to his parents he wanted to become a cardinal! Next, we can see several classroom pictures of Joseph in the midst of his classmates with teachers, Miss Fahmueller and Joseph Fersch in Aschau public school. We can already recognize him after characteristic haircut and smile.
On the next pictures, taken around 1937, we see Joseph, and his parents family photos.
Soon after the war, Joseph reentered the Saint Michael Seminary in Traunstein along with his brother Georg, in November 1945. On the last picture we see seminarian Joseph - first on the left - taking a walk through Traunstein with his friends. Two Ratzinger brothers, later studied at the Ducal Georgianum (Herzogliches Georgianum) of the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. They were both ordained in Freising on June 29, 1951 by Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber of Munich. Joseph Ratzinger's dissertation (1953) was on St. Augustine and was entitled "The People and the House of God in Augustine's Doctrine of the Church". His habilitation dissertation (which qualified him for a professorship) was on St Bonaventure. It was completed in 1957 and he became a professor of Freising College in 1958. Visualizzazioni: 1.437, Commenti: 0Inserire in un sito

00sabato 24 gennaio 2009 20:52
Mille grazie di Mary!
Thank you, Sonia, for starting this thread and to both you and Gabriella for beginning it with such interesting photos and stories. Mi dispiace - non posso scrivere in italiano!!!!!!

I also agree that it's a good idea to keep the separate thread for Papa's brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, because, thanks be to God, he is still alive and there is new material about him. Let us hope [speriamo] that the brothers are spared to be a comfort to each other for many years to come!

Luff und choy! Mary xxxxxxx
[SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822] [SM=g27822]
00domenica 25 gennaio 2009 12:44
E' bellissima e lodevole questa iniziativa.... [SM=x40800] [SM=x40799]
Grazie di cuore per il vostro impegno... [SM=g27836]

00domenica 25 gennaio 2009 15:09
Davvero un ottima idea! Anche la sorella Maria e i genitori sono molto importanti! dunque quella di una cartellla tutta per loro è un idea davvero fantastica! [SM=g27811] [SM=g27811] [SM=g27811]
I contributi di Gabry sono come al solito magnifici e molto interessanti [SM=x40799] [SM=x40799]
Chissa se anch'io non possa collaborare! Imparassi una volta per tutte come si postano video e foto! Fin'ora non ci sono riuscita [SM=g27813] [SM=g27813] [SM=g27813] [SM=g27813]
00lunedì 26 gennaio 2009 16:27

Grazie a voi, anche a nome di Mary, che ha lanciato l'idea
e di Sonia che l'ha autorizzata.
Inevitabilmente la maggior parte del materiale, soprattutto quello fotografico, risulterà già noto, ma è un fatto quasi inevitabile.
Per contro, dedicando a questo tema una rubrica specifica, non rischierà di passerà inosservato.

Cindy, trovo molto simpatico il tuo avatar!!!!! [/G
00sabato 31 gennaio 2009 16:59
Georg Ratzinger (politician)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Georg Ratzinger (April 3, 1844 in Rickering at Deggendorf – December 3, 1899 in Munich) was a German Catholic priest, political economist, social reformer, author and politician. He saw the gospel and Catholic social teaching as a means of empowering the poor.

Ratzinger was a pupil at the gymnasium at Passau during the years 1855-63, studied theology at Munich, 1863-67, and was ordained priest in 1867. In 1868 he received the degree of Doctor of Theology at Munich. During the following years he devoted himself partly to pastoral, partly to journalistic work. In 1869 he was chaplain at Berchtesgaden; 1870-71 he was editor of the journal "Fränkisches Volksblatt" at Würzburg; 1872-74, chaplain at Landshut, then editor, until 1876, of the "Volksfreund", at Munich.[1]

He was a member of the Parliament of Bavaria from 1875 to 1878 and of the German Reichstag from 1877 to 1878. During this period he belonged to the Centre Party. He combined the roles of priest and politician in a way which his grandnephew, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, rejected.

With exception of a pastorate of three years at Günzelhafen, 1885-88, he lived for a number of years at Munich, where he devoted himself to journalism and research.

In 1893 Ratzinger was again elected to the Bavarian Landtag, where he was now a moderate adherent of the "Bayerischer Bauernbund" (Bavarian Peasant Union) party, his views of social politics having caused him in the meantime to sever his connections with the Centre Party. In 1898 he was again elected a member of the Reichstag. He remained a member of both bodies until his death.

As a literary man Ratzinger deserves much credit for his scholarly work in political economy and in historical subjects. His chief works, distinguished by erudition, richness of thought, and animated exposition, are: "Geschichte der Armenpflege" (prize essay, Freiburg, 1868, 2nd revised ed., 1884); "Die Volkswirtschaft in ihren sittlichen Grundlagen. Ethnischsociale Studien über Cultur und Civilisation (Freiburg, 1881; 2nd. completely revised ed., 1895).

The later work work maintains the ethical principles of Christianity as the only sure basis of political economy and opposes the materialistic system of what is called the "classical political economy" of Adam Smith.

"Forschungen zur bayerischen Geschichte" (Kempten, 1898); this contains a large number of studies on early Bavarian history and on the history of civilization, based on a series of unconnected treatises, which had first appeared in the "Historisch-politische Blätter". Of his smaller works the following should be mentioned: "Das Concil und die deustche Wissenschaft" (anonymously issued at Mainz, 1872) appeared first in the "Katholik", 1872, I; "Die Erhaltung des Bauernstandes" (Freiburg, 1883).

His nephew was the police officer Joseph Ratzinger, Sr., father of Pope Benedict XVI (born Joseph Ratzinger) and Georg Ratzinger, the priest and church musician.


Ratzinger war eine der schillernden Persönlichkeiten,die Bayern in der zweiten Hälftedes 19. Jhs. hervorbrachte. Geprägt vonseinem umfassenden Verständnis als Seelsorger,befasste sich der ultramontane Priesterin der frühen katholischen Publizistik und derPolitik ausführlich mit Fragen der Volkswirtschaft,insbesondere der Agrarund derSozialpolitik.Porträt eines der bedeutendsten sozialethischen Denker der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jhs, der u.a. als Ideengeber der katholischen Soziallehre hervorgetreten ist03Autoren: Freya Amann, München; Tobias Appl, Regensburg; Thomas Bauer, Gießen; Manfred Eder, Osnabrück; Karl-Heinz Gorges, Trier; Ludwig Hüttl, München; Johann Kirchinger, Regensburg; Malte Langenbach, Würzburg;Ernst Schütz, Metten; Claudius Stein, München; Herbert Wurster, Passau; Frank Zschaler, Eichstätt

Dettagli del libro

Titolo: "Georg Ratzinger (1844-1899) / Ein Leben zwischen Politik, Geschichte und Seelsorge"
Categoria: Biografien
Editore: Schnell & Steiner
Edizione: 2008. 400 S. m. 17 Abb. 25 cm , € 38,39Language: German
ISBN: 3795420156
ISBN-13: 9783795420154
Weight: 1105 g
00sabato 31 gennaio 2009 17:39
GABRIELLA.JOSEPHINE, 24/01/2009 16.47:

Bildtitel: Maria Ratzinger, 1977

Foto: Pfeiffer, Gerd

Bildtext: Aufnahmedatum: 28.05.1977 Die Schwester von Josph Ratzinger, Maria (re.), am Tag der Einführung ihres Bruders in das Amt des Erzbischofs von München und Freising. Rechts die Haushälterin.

Datum: 28.05.1977 -
Aufnahmeort: München, Bayern, Deutschland
00sabato 31 gennaio 2009 18:18

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:25

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:30

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:36

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:41

I tre fratelli ad un concerto dei "Regensburger Domspatzen" diretti da Msgr. Georg.
00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:47

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:49

00sabato 7 febbraio 2009 17:53

00martedì 10 febbraio 2009 17:36
Papst Benedikt XVI
Eine Biographie von Papst Benedikt XVI.. Von seiner Geburt in Marktl bis zu seinem Pontifikat als Papst. Zu Wort kommen an Originalschauplätzen Georg Ratzinger sowie zahlreiche Zeitzeugen.

Film D 114 (2008)

Weitere Informationen sowie kostenlose Bestellung der Filme unter

Ricorre domani, 2 novembre 2009, solennità dei Fedeli Defunti,
il diciottesimo anniversario della nascita al cielo di Maria Ratzinger,
la sorella di Papa Benedetto XVI.

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